My Husband’s 8-year battle with Alzheimers opened a huge door to me – being his caregiver and advocate has taught me so VERY much about the disease and the daily odious and agonizing battle with not only the horrible ravages your loved one experiences, but also the archaic and horrific obstacles thrown in our path as caregivers.
I finally had to place my husband in a care facility – as most people in this situation, I waited too long to do so. It’s impossible to explain unless you’ve actually lived it, but like so many caregivers, I was in a very fragile emotional and physical state before I finally agreed that placement was the only option or I would not survive. I am driven to share my experiences and offer practical and effective advice and sources of TRUE help and support for those who are trying to navigate the complicated and tortuous web of doctors, neurologists, psychiatrists and placement locations. Navigating the myriad of differing opinions as to what is “RIGHT” for their person and circumstances is daunting to say the least, especially for someone who is on their last nerve, sleep deprived, riddled with guilt and getting all kinds of input from family members as well.